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Suffering with Low Back Pain?

July 22, 2011

Suffering with Low Back Pain? – WWR 222Print Email FB Tt

Posted By: Ronnie Marsh

Click Here For More Info:


Most of us will experience low back pain at some point in our life. It is a condition caused by imbalance in our posture. What causes our posture to become unstable? All conditions of imbalance are caused by trauma, toxins, deficiency or stress. Low back pain is no different.


Let’s discuss a few issues of low back pain and see if we can’t find some solutions that work for you. As with other signs and symptoms in our body and mind, we need to learn to listen to the message of low back pain.


Common causes: injury
Before we begin our discussion of low back pain, I want to say something about all pain in general. Pain is communication from your body. It tells you that something is wrong and that action is required from you to “withdraw” from the trigger of the pain. A common message in chronic pain is low Vitamin D levels. Nerves that conduct pain messages have special receptors for Vitamin D. We may often withdraw ourselves from chronic pain by filling our Vitamin D deficiency. 


Trauma or injury to the back is the most common cause of low back pain. Simple things like overuse or sprain/strain of the tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc.) can trigger a “guarding reflex”; part of the guarding reflex is pain. In the case of an injury, pain often serves to limit our motion and prevent us from further injuring the area.


Allow your injury to heal. Use topical stimulants to increase circulation and facilitate healing. Topical stimulants are also called counter-irritants. A counter-irritant prevents the message of pain from becoming chaotic and random. They focus the nature of the pain down to a point where only the actual injured tissue hurts. The unaffected and undamaged tissues stop hurting; they stop having sympathy pains when we use topical counter-irritants.


Inflammation is a common result of injury to the low back. Inflammation is part of the healing process. Using Nopalea™ can help the body reduce runaway inflammation and facilitate the kind of inflammation needed to heal the injury or trauma.


Common causes: toxicity and deficiency
Several diseases can cause low back pain. The most common among them is DJD: Degenerative Joint Disease or osteoarthritis of the low back. DJD is a deficiency of water in the discs of the low back. They dry out and shrink. Rarely, this is associated with injury such as in a herniated disc. More often, this is associated with toxins. How does DJD work?


A popular theory goes like this: Toxins in our environment are detoxified in our liver by a process called sulfation. Sulfation requires dietary sulfur from foods like:

  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Mustard greens
  • Turnip greens

If we are exposed to toxins and don’t eat enough dietary sulfur, our body process called homeostasis will steal it from the next available source: our joints. When the sulfur comes out of our joints, they can no longer hold water and begin the process of degeneration. They will try to stabilize by fusing the bones together and thickening the tendons; but, without sulfur, the process will continue as we are exposed to more toxins.


Toxins that require sulfation often deplete the body of Vitamin D. In turn, a low back with DJD is unstable and more prone to injury. Injury causes inflammation and pain. The solution is to decrease our toxic exposure, increase our water and dietary sulfur, and supplement appropriately for low back pain: Vitamin D, Nopalea, Quick-Relief™ Gel as needed and supplemental sources of sulfur, including Glucosamine sulfate, Chondroitin sulfate and MSM.


Common causes: stress
No less important than trauma, toxins and deficiency, stress is a frequent cause of low back pain. Stress changes our body into a fight-or-flight posture. The early stages of fight-or-flight causes low back pain for some people, neck pain for others and headaches for still other people; it all depends on the person. In the end, stress can lead to exhaustion and exhaustion can lead to low back pain.


A great way to determine the impact of stress on your low back pain is to simply take 1 to 3 ounces of Adaptogen 10 Plus® at bedtime. Listen to the message this simple trial sends to you. If your back pain rapidly improves then you have your answer: stress is a trigger for your pain.


People are complex; yet, the messages from the human body are pretty simple. If we experience pain we need to learn to listen, take action and find a solution to the pain. Often it is a mixture of approaches that are as unique to you as your fingerprint! Still, all states of imbalance find their causes in trauma, toxins, deficiency and stress.

Take Control of Your Health

  • The Essentials of a healthy low back
    • Deep breathing helps reduce pain and stress
    • Healthy joints require water
    • Poor sleep increases pain chemicals (which interfere with sleep!)
    • Junk foods and food allergies increase low back pain
    • Sulfur-bearing foods improve joint health
    • Low impact exercise – especially walking – improves back health
    • Reduced back pain is associated with supportive relationships
  • Essential supplements
  • Go Here For More INFO!

        Take care,

       Ronnie Marsh

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