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Celebrate Your Life! There’s a party going on

July 17, 2011


Celebrate YOUR life! There’s a party going on.

Posted by: Ronnie Marsh

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“The more you praise and
celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Summer is such a joyous time. There is a light-hearted feeling in the air. It’s a good time to get out with friends and take pleasure in each other’s company.

A couple days ago I met my girlfriend Diane at the mall for shopping and a cold beverage. Lunch was out, so shopping was in.  As I was parking outside the mall there was a new fast-food restaurant just opening up. I noticed a big sign on the window that said, “FREE SMELLS.”

I laughed out loud and thought, “They must have known I was coming.” I don’t remember ever seeing a sign like that before. Just smelling the aroma of food has been a feast for my soul lately and it hasn’t cost me a penny.

I have made it 17 days on my fast and I am celebrating! In the beginning I had questioned whether I could do it – but now I know I can. I guess to sum it up, it goes beyond managing the fast; today I am expressing my gratitude and thankfulness to God for my existence. I am celebrating the sacredness of life.  And it is a boisterous celebration!

Isn’t summer a glorious time to celebrate life? There is so much to enjoy. So many of my friends are getting out of the usual routines of their lives and going on camping trips or to the beach with their families.

This weekend those of us who live in the U.S. will be celebrating our country’s freedom with Fourth of July celebrations. I love the fireworks – they are just awesome. It’s a time for family and friends to enjoy a time together to remember and be grateful for the sacrifices made so long ago for all of us to enjoy freedom to this day.

I have had songs like, “Let’s celebrate, there’s a party going on! Celebration…” by Kool and the Gang running through my mind all day.  I have been dancing all through the house. There must be an endorphin rush when your body is running on just liquids.

I would encourage you to bring dancing, music and laughter into your life as well. It feels so good.  Let yourself smile and express joy. The more you practice feeling joyful, the more joy you will experience. Smile.

Until next week, ENJOY the journey!

Click Here For More Health & Wellness Info:

Ronnie Marsh

P.S. So for those of you that feel like joining me in my song of the day I will give you a few of the lyrics to get you started…

So bring your good times, and your laughter too
We gonna celebrate your party with you

Come on now


Let’s all celebrate and have a good time


We gonna celebrate and have a good time…”

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